We know its been a long time since we’ve made a public post, but we felt that this is something that we should bring to the Public’s attention. Its the same thing we have been preaching for years… FDA cGMP compliance, COAs, proper labeling and packaging, etc., well, the...
Author Archive for: tyler
Dangers beyond Tudei: Why Consumers should demand FULL COA testing
For millions of people in the South Pacific and around the globe, drinking kava is an indispensable part of their daily routine. Whether they drink just to relax or use kava to control anxiety, being able to squeeze a batch of their favorite variety means a great deal to those...
D,L-kavain in comparison with oxazepam in anxiety disorders. A double-blind study of clinical effectiveness

Lindenberg D, Pitule-Schödel H Psychiatrische Abteilung, Kreiskrankenhaus Tauberbischofsheim. Fortschritte der Medizin Type: Clinical Trial, Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial, Comparative Study, English Abstract (lang: ger) Abstract Highlight Terms Genes/Proteins(1) Chemicals(1) In a placebo-controlled double blind clinical trial, 38 out-patients with anxiety associated with neurotic or psychosomatic disturbances were treated with D,L-Kavain (Neuronika) or Oxazepam....
Solomon Islands to officially join Kava exporters
KAVA product from North Malaita is on a valued laboratory testing in the Republic of Vanuatu. Noel Roposo chief field officer (Marketing) with in the marketing unit, agriculture planning division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) said the Kava samples were taken from two local farmers of...
New kava export rules in Vanuatu
The Vanuatu Agriculture Minister says Vanuatu will be introducing new stringent measures to ensure kava exports comply with regulations. The new measures come after a ban that stopped exports of kava to Europe since 2002 was lifted. To preface the new measures, the ministry has launched a national kava...
What exactly IS Tudei Kava?
To date, there is no official written definition for Tudei Kava in the codexes of exporting countries such as Vanuatu, who ironically has banned the export of Tudei, without officially defining it. Without an official definition from exporting countries, numerous definitions for Tudei exist on the internet. The definition of...
German Administrative Court States that the Kava Ban was Unlawful and Inappropriate!!
This just in from the AKA’s very own Dr. Mathias Schmidt! “Dear all,Finally some good news: The German administrative court has today issuedits ruling that the ban of kava-containing products in Germany wasunlawful and inappropriate.On almost 40 pages the court states, thatMere doubts related to the efficacy of a...
Kava Bar seeing major success in South Austin
Original: http://www.kvue.com/news/editors-pick/257445851.html by SHELTON GREEN / KVUE News and Photojournalist MATT OLSEN Bio | Email | Follow: @SheltonG_KVUE kvue.com Posted on April 30, 2014 at 10:30 PM Updated Wednesday, Apr 30 at 10:30 PM AUSTIN — You may have never heard of Kava, a beverage derived from the root of a Polynesian shrub, but...
Kava Plant Shows Promise In Treating Chronic Anxiety, Study Finds
By: Bahar Gholipour, LiveScience Staff Writer Published: 05/20/2013 09:24 AM EDT on LiveScience An extract from the kava plant can treat people with chronic anxiety, an study from Australia finds. Patients with generalized anxiety disorder who took kava extract tablets for six weeks showed a significant reduction in their...
Herbal hepatotoxicity by kava: Update on pipermethystine, flavokavain B, and mould hepatotoxins as primarily assumed culprits.
Herbal hepatotoxicity by kava: update on pipermethystine, flavokavain B, and mould hepatotoxins as primarily assumed culprits. Teschke R1, Qiu SX, Lebot V. Abstract Herbal hepatotoxicity by the anxiolytic kava (Piper methysticum Forst. f.) emerged unexpectedly and was observed in a few patients worldwide. Liver injury occurred after the use...